how your day today? Does you mood influenced by the monday blues?
somehow, I myself faced minor-monday blues maybe because of the post-programe syndrome.
Yeah. as last week I was given the opportunity again to join Al- Fateh Mentoring-4 under AKHI club,
Hey,hey, hey... let's first I tell you about AKHI club. Don't you eager to know??
Actually, AKHI club stand for Anak-Anak Beraklak Islam Club. This is 1 of the other many clubs under CENSERVE( Centre for Community Service and Continuing Studies), IIUM. What is CENSERVE ain?? okaylah, to be honest, i don't really know what is CENSERVE to be exact.( I do some googling to explain this to you guys). so here are my result from mr.google.
In 1995, the Centre for Community Service and Continuing Education, CENSERVE, was established and has been successful in training students to run community service projects both locally and at international level. After 15 years, CENSERVE emerges as the Centre for University Social Responsibility with bigger roles to play. It is entrusted to administer community service activities done by both students and staff and acts as the clearing house of community service opportunities and information. However In 2015, IIUM has strongly belief that the Community Engagement is very important to be practised by all student and staff. Due to that reason, CENSERVE is branded as University Centre for Community Engagement (BUDI). The CENSERVE Team will still in the centre as a refference group of students activities and UCCE as staff community engagement.
(sources: www.iium.edu.my/censerve )
So, let's simplified CENSERVE or now known as BUDI is the platform for IIUM students to do volunteer work by joining various club under them. One of the club is AKHI club which focus on mentoring programme with primary school students. There are other club as well that focus on different walk of life such as OKU, orphan, elementary school, orang asli and others.
From all those club, why I choose AKHI club?? so, let's i share the reason why I choose AKHI club and accept them to be part of my life.
As I mentioned before, this club prefer on mentoring programme which we only focus on 2 school each tenure. For this tenure, the schools are SK Bandar Baru Sentul (SK BBS) and SK Setapak Indah. But for this semester 1 16/17 the schools are SK BBS and SK Taman Samudra(just behind the Giant Batu Caves)
On 9-11 October 2015 which is last Friday, was my 3rd time joined the mentoring programme. This because i missed the 1st mentoring due to my Site Visit last semester. but, it's okay.
this time, i was appointed to be PIC(Person In Charge) for group. This position urge me to communicate with those kiddo. I mean.. more speaking, more playing, more 'perangai budak2 kena hadap' haha.
oh yeah, I was in Catering team during my first mentoring programme. and on 2nd time, i just volunteered to be the mentor as at that time i was having my semester break and already at home. so, it kind of 'naik tangga' position lah. Btw, there's no fixed position during mentoring programme in AKHI club. Everybody are able to have different position each time.
So, here are the things that i love about AKHI family
Since this is a programme for the kiddos who love to play. So each mentoring. we will have a song that suite the theme. As the theme for the 4th mentoring is Celik Sains which focussing on the process of rain formation, so the song is 'Demi Matahari' sang by Snada. and yeah, as we have creative 'akak2 mentor' so they always come out with cute dance but never overreact. some people might questioned why we included he dance and song as this club is (Anak-anak Berakhlak Islam)? but in my opinion, there is some technique to teach kids. we have to attract them and play as if we are in their level. Just my two cents. we just hope that adik2 mentee able to enjoy and bersemangat along with mentoring. Dah lah, buat time weekend. kau ghasee..
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Haqim and Arisya spotted the camera |
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Hadif the Ant-man |
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Bakal Muslimah |
Aren't they cute meh?? Haha.. i learn so many thing from them. it is not just what we have done to them. what we have teached to them. It all about giving love to them. Hey, i'm sure you will be able to realize something once you sit and talk with them. That "something" that i can't get when dealing with the adults or even people at my age( haha, tak mengaku diri dah adults). You know how they are very honest when they speak or giving opinion? Yeah.. that's why i love children. They are just as pure as their heart. But, it is undeniable that they sometimes will make you headache.. Ya Allah, just imagine how to control them when they're just toooooooo excited to play game or activities. which sometimes it demand you to be like the real sister.. of course.. marah lerrr. but after you scold them, you must explain WHY they should not do that. That's what scolding are meant to be.
One more thing, sometimes i just amazed and somehow shamed on myself as they have more knowledge than me. especially like simple doa that WE as adult tend to forget because of the so-called growing process. Just like what happen last week, They have to memorize the doa during rain, which i actually don't even know how the doa, but some of the kids had memorize it.
Perasaan malu tak payah cakap. But hey!! never late to learn, now i know the doa.. *wink2
TARA!!! my masterpiece of the year.haha. this is my evidence that now i memorized the doa. yeah, i hang it in my room. This activities supposed to be the 'Spider web' activities..
Does it look like spider web to you?muehehe. Sorry, akak not so into art.
why awesome?? because, every mentoring, Catering team will cook for whole commitees, mentor and mentee. COOK for real, not ordering from other caterer or makcik cafe at mahallah or outside. Do you remember my first time mentoring was in Catering right? I am really shocked at first as i don't have any idea that AKHI usually cook. i thought Catering team need to order food, just like another club usually do. But this thing make AKHI special in my heart.
And, we have to eat in Talam every single time.
And this is the reason why maybe the ukhuwah amongst us more stronger. We share together the food, the happiness, the kemasinan makanan. haha. But hey, mana nak jumpa program yang suruh adik2 mentee and kakak2 abang2 mentor share makan 1 talam?? tell me..tell me..
This situation is familiar to us in AKHI, we have short gotong royong every time after eating. we help each other. p/s: can you spotted those two men posing sakan in the picture?? haha, those two guys like a super senior to us. Taro and Abang Zam. They will 'turun padang' if they are free. Nah, more evidence that some one can't move on from AKHI club. Maybe i'll be like them soon? who knows.
There's only 2 person from Catering team in this picture actually, But as usual, other committees will help if we are free during tat time. But this time, I can't help them much as i am PIC group so.. kiddos need attention more..huahua.
This is only 1 of the activities we done last mentoring. Look how excited Ciktin when she explained to the kids? The best thing about kids, they are really like sponge. Ready to absorb all the knowledge, things, and words that we delivered to them. And they, accept it without being judgemental. you will feel appreciated all the time. But, hey, ready for the unexpected question they might ask that sometimes you just don't know how to answer back.
And last but not least, THE LOVE THAT I GOT FROM THEM. have you ever heard, "what you give you get back"? in AKHI you will understand this quote well. It is not just the love from the kids, but the love from other AKHIanz.. This is because we all have same intention to spread love and knowledge as many as we can. That warm welcoming by the AKHIanz itself made me choose them as my family in IIUM. I don't feel left out when i mingle with them especially with seniors.
This thing i realized when i joined another club which i felt sooo left out when the seniors start to chit chat as they have known each other long time before and i'm clueless what they are talking about. in AKHI, those "cancer" problems is not happening. I welcome you and vice versa. So that's all my celoteh tonight. I just feel terlebih rajin nak dedicated AKHI club in my post. So, here are some pictures during last weekend.
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Selfie time.. |
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Our orang kuat in Catering team |
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peace yooo |
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those hectic time @.@ |
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We are Ibn Haytham group :) |
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And yeah, Ibn Haytham win the 2nd place this time. and this supposed to be our group photo. BUT.. the number of members suddenly increase by the time camera in action. meh |
And again.. Photoboomers are everywhere
Sorry guys, i just able to help 'senduk nasi' this time. But #siscuba haha
Daus and the kiddos. the one who was covering his face, i would say, the most famous mentee amongst all as he have cutest face. pan-asian look woaa.. And he is actually in my group for this mentoring. But, i just don't know why, i am not attracted to those thing as my prior is to find someone with nice behaviour rather than just the face. (eh, am i looking for future husband or what??haha)
Haha, tapi si Fatih ni memang jual mahal, mentang2 comel. Tapi pandai i would say. Adik2 lain pun pandai. Hiks.
So, as Fatih covered his face, lets have selfie with Hadif. another one of my mentees.
See that sweet? He gave me after saying this
" Akak, akak dapat gula2?" and i was like "Erm, akak tak dapat pun" and suddenly he picked something out of his pocket and said " Akak ambiklah gula2 Hadif, sebab akak tak dapat pun gula2" I replied " EH, tak nak lah, kan Hadif nak bagi kat abang kesayangan Hadif dekat rumah nanti" but his answered make me realize the power of giving.. " Takpe, Hadif ada lagi ni gula2"
Allahurabbi, whose heart doesn't touch by this thing? Hey, even small kids now how to sadaqah, how to share his belonging , how to share what he got, how to share love actually. I almost crying but,, seganlah nanti Hadif nampak. So, I decided to have selfie with him.
nampak mata je pun jadilah kan afiq.
Finally, my humble advice is. when you are in university, try to grab any opportunities to do something for others. i am sure every university have lots of club or society. Just join any one of them and avoid of being 4K students. Kuliyyah, Kafe, Katil, Korea.
there is no such excuse that your university doesn't provide the chances especially in IIUM. Last week, i also saw some other club having programme with kids in IIUM, Just at different venue
Hit the road, and do something, be out of your comfort zone, Yes comfort zone, Honestly, I am always in my discomfort zone when i joined programme as i need to talk more, think more and sacrifice more. Yeah, i admit for those who knew me back then in MRSM Kuala Lipis acknowledged me as someone who is outspoken and LOVE to speak and have high confidence level. But all of them start to disappear when i enter MRSM TGB ( maybe this will be my next entry to tell you more). But now, in IIUM, i try to re-build my confidence level. Just don't waste your young spirit into a waste.
Till we meet again. I hope you just not annoyed with my english written entry. Little bit 'rojak'.
Sorry for everything
go akhi club! yeah
BalasPadamalahai, orang kuat STUFF club support kita lah..segannya. *peace
Padamgo akhi club! yeah
BalasPadamhaha, time ni, 1st time join mentoring after gold training. tak sabar nk tnggu kak ain buat come back.
BalasPadamkan, masa ni uswa pun byk tolong akak..haha. sem ni eh akak buat comeback..tungguuu.huhu