
Tunjukkan catatan dari Februari, 2017

That Turning Point

Let start 2017's entry with this kind of pondering session. Ya.. it's already 1 and 1/2 month pass the new year. But who cares?? I know everyone of us has or had face this kind of situation. The situation that put you into 'turning point' junction. It is the junction where you have 2 choices to make. Either to move ahead OR to return back. You hardly can decide which one to choose. The thing that you are sure is the path ahead will full of unknown where the only thing you sure is you will face all new challenges, see unseen thing, feel different feel. A new world, Just a new world for you... And the scary thing is YOU ARE NOT SURE where, and when the path will end. On the other hand, the path of returning back is just a normal world where you have been gone through. The same air, the same sight. But you know it for sure, you will stuck forever in your "comfort zone". Do you still remember back then when you are slightly going to give up to 'hafaz...